A. Introduction
Every time in the human life a people must could interact or socialization with other people in this big world. The principle of interact is actually made reference to what the words which is people saying in daily life, good or bad the pronouncing words which is people saying, and as we know in this world have a many nation with different language so people must know what the manner language in other nation not just in their nation. While the principle of socialization is the capability of anyone to interact with other people not just in their country but also the other country, but with good using words and pay attention of grammar, respectful or not someone at the moment they socialization.
While that, building on result which is already have many people it’s already know how to interact with other people but the half person use the fail words. For the little example is Abuse Words. In this big world like I explain while ago, have so many nation or country with the different language and we can’t disown that many abuse words too. For the example of abuse words in Indonesia especially in north Sulawesi is “pemai, pendo, cuki”, and many more. It is indeed abuse words is bad for us to hear especially say this words. But when is bad why the people use this words not other words which is more than good. Building on result, the abuse words just be saying as a respons of anger or when some people in the anger situation and perforce.
From the above case explains that someone who say the abuse words just on anger situation or perforce situation, not on formal situation, and just appear unexpectedly. So I choose this case to be my paper title, and I will explain all I know and all of which is I have about abuse words, especially on teenagers
B. Background
In our daily live, everyone certainly never have a experience or incident is never want, never expected, or never guess. When that thing was happen, appear many different reaction to the man who experience it, for the example is disappointed feel, annoyed, fed up, look blank, angry, and other. On those context, every person cannot handle she/he emotion, when they confront a fact like that sometime they produce spontaneity words and respectfulless and rugged as shape of fury. This words that’s called Abuse Words.
Abuse words usually use at angry situation. If someone while angry, they mind functionless so she/he will use the expressions or rugged words. In situation like that, expressions or abuse words manner use for release and feeling. The incident like that begot a deviation meaning because the mean of a word applying at reconciliation is not appropriate with actually meaning of words.
Affected by abuse words, Sudaryanto and friends. Make a opinion that abuse words is a the one of affective words and the affective is a first step to begin a communication process. That’s mean, the abuse was happen because the deed of someone at some incident. The deed of someone make a some opinion until touching by power of readily and this words be saying.
Abuse words often related with the man who never had any education, so abuse words very rare to appear in formal situation or in the circle of mans with high class social interaction. Using abuse is a pull fact because abuse language be different with language is be using in the usual interview, this is the matter in figurate word and grammar. Combination of abuse words can be a not natural construction (not usual), not in mind, and maybe all of this can’t be understand.
Abuse in general way reputed as a not usual language using, is a linguistics fiture which not important and damaging language, audibility very bad, using by man who never had any education, and as well as it never use. In fact, many people feel too hard miss this bad habit (to use abuse words). So that, abuse words always be there.
In fact, abuse words widely using by teenagers to adults. In this context, from the research of “American Demographic Magazines” show that 72 % from 60 people which is age 18-34 show that, they like to gone on publics.Although haven’t a publication from the research result like that, appartently the phenomenon of abuse words using happen too in Indonesia. This matter can be evidencing with fact because frequency we find or hear abuse words using in our daily life, its happen in every context and situation.
Anderson and Trudgill explain, there is no words is not good, a words looking not good just on eyes of people is appraising. While that Jay explain that, curse expression which is not good is, curse expression which not at the place to be saying. Which is more important is pragmatic using and the composition of grammar.
Related by using abuse words from language pronouncer, Wijana and Rohmadi clarifying that in communicated, at common the human to communication for build cooperation accompany people and for shape, educe, and be queath their culture in widely means. However, sometimes or maybe oftentimes in people life have misconception and different opinion from one people to other people. In situation like that, the language using benefitted various of abuse words, besides rugged words, or soft satire and to expression all of shape of not happy, abhorrence, or not satisfied to situation that while they deal.
Abuse can we find in various language which is concrete or many manner. Some language have a resemblance with certain language and very different from other language. Concerned with existence of abuse as a part of khazanah language, Montagu pronounce that the age of language is same like the age of human. In this context, human is already are in this world two billion year ago or more. And approximately language is already have in the same year. Rubber specialist of philology explain the source of language is expression which is tight related with abuse. Such with, abuse words is already have since language which is using by human is are. This pronouncement same like Leigh opinion his opinion is “it a fair guess that swearing has been around as long as human speech” (a right notion being saying that abuse age same like human language).
Using abuse in a measure form abusing is a one hardness form or can be mention as mesure verbal aggression. In those context, Infante and Wigley clarifying that measure of abusing doing by someone to other side or some group to other group. Verbal aggression meaning as a brunt to self concept of someone or their opinion to deranged other people according from psychology. Expression of not proper and the insult words or contemptuously words causing damaging himself concept in a long time, and verbal aggression can become a reason which is can direct at physic aggression.
While that, Praptomo says besides physic hardness, and have too one kind of hardness that symbolic violence, violence which is characteristic symbol. Symbolic violence can be different by two kind, first violence with a nonverbal or be said as symbolic nonverbal violence and the violence with a verbal symbolic.
1. Hypothesis
Abuse Words is a bad words and not suggested for people to use this words, and abuse words is a reprimand for someone and be saying in the anger situation, and appear unexpectedly .
2. Problems
In this paper, I will explains many case about Abuse Words. So, problems that I will explains in this paper are:
1. What the teenagers use this words?
2. What the kind of Abuse Words?
3. What the Abuse words on some nation?
4. What the Abuse words influence teenagers?
5. What the impact of Abuse Words?
6. How to fix Abuse words in teenagers life?
C. Purpose
The purpose of this paper is to inform for many people about who the user of abuse words and how they used this words, not other words as much as good. As we know abuse words is not good for our daily life. The abuse words also have many meaning in many nation and this abuse words have an impact for our daily life if we use this bad words, who know its negative impact or positive impact. Because of that, people will know about abuse words and why half people decide to use abuse words. Therefore, people can decrease to use abuse words in daily life, and people can control they mouth and just say a good words. I hope that with my paper the people can know how bad the abuse words in daily life.
D. Method
Descriptive: search inforrmation from Internet, literature studied and also mix our knowledge and experience about Dreaming.
Whintney (1960), is a fact finding descriptive method with appropriate interpretation. Descriptive research is study to the problems in society and the procedures that apply in society and certain situations, including about relationships, activities, attitudes views, and processes are in progress and the effect of a phenomenon. In descriptive method, the researchers could compare certain phenomena that is comparative study. Researchers sometimes conduct classification, along with study of these phenomena by establishing a norm or a specific standard so many experts call this method with a name descriptive normative survey. With the descriptive method is also investigated the position (status) phenomenon or factor and the relationships between one factor with another factor. Therefore, the method is also called descriptive study of status (overall status study).
Descriptive method also want to learn the norms or standards, so this descriptive study is also called normative survey. The descriptive method of normative issues can be examined together with problems status and also make comparisons between the phenomena. So called general studies as descriptive studies, or research. Prespective of time to reach the descriptive study, the time is now, or at least reasonable time period which is still in the memories of respondent.
A. What Is Abuse Words
In line with the above opinion, Pastika (2008:2) states that abusive language is a form of expression that insult others by using words that are not obscene, such scorn, calumny, contempt, and others. Harsh language can be classified as verbal violence because the expression used to hurt people's feelings other. Furthermore, in view of Poerwandari, violence using the device language symbols can be called as part of a psychological or mental violence.
In that context, Poerwandari (2004:11-12) states as follows: psychological interventions clearly shows that words can be very painful and lead to prolonged injury, whether it appears in the form of condescension, indifference, denial, rude insults, or threats. Such violence is often termed as a psychological or mental violence. Psychological violence is an attack on self-esteem, motivation destruction, degrading, humiliating activities, efforts to create fear and terror in many
manifestations. For example, invective harsh words, threats, stalking, humiliation, and many forms of physical / sexual psychological impact.
Insults are often used to express anger is an expression used verbal language speakers as a strategy that is not constantly in a state of distress. For people who are affected, speech invective directed others to himself may feel attacked and hurt feelings, but those who speak it, the expression of the invective is liberation from all forms and unpleasant situations. In this regard, the ESTRICH and Sperber (1952:28) states that a person who is angry satisfaction lies in its ability to throw cuss word.
In Indonesia there are many forms of public insults. Invective was raised by ordinary people who cannot control themselves. Everything is not the same, but according to the degree of one's emotions. The more clearly understood meaning that insults someone, the higher the level makiannya. Conversely, the more rarely used and increasingly vague invective, certainly the lower well
The resulting emotional level (Ruskhan, 2008). Insults or profanity used to berate, mengatangatai, vilify, blasphemy, and so on. However, in some cultures, the use of swear words often functioned to express praise, wonder, and create an atmosphere of intimate conversations (Allan, 1986:17; Tannen, 2002:184; Wijana and Rohmadi, 2007:110). In other words, in addition to functioning as a means of expression of anger, resentment, disappointment, regret, surprise, and contempt,
cuss also be used in shades of intimacy. Thus, in such a context, invective used to create or demonstrate familiarity and intimacy.
Regarding fungi invective that not only negatively oriented, Crystal
(1995:173) states that the curse can be used to show
identity within a group, for mengageti-ngageti, intimidate, humiliate, show familiarity, creating a distance, or to establish social solidarity. Another important function of the invective is marked social distance, but curses can also show solidarity, for example when there is a group that is identical to the habit of cursing. In fact, because it is universal curse whoever must have been cursed, either slightly (rarely) or many (often) and by various means. Some people might choose to say shoot than shit, but still including invective when pronounced in a way and the same purpose.
Not much different from the above opinion, Hughes (1991:32)
cuss states can also be used to indicate familiarity,
friendship, or identity among a community. The opinion above is also supported by a statement of Ljung (2006:96; within Pham, 2007:6) which revealed that not all insults have negative intent. The use of invective may indicate friendship,
intimacy, affection, and compassion. Nevertheless, Dewaele (2004:204) warned that the use of swear words or taboo words that are not appropriate to allow
occurrence of cracks or destruction of social relations. Therefore, the use of invective depend on the motivation and context of use.
Invective used in the community to grow and develop appropriate
the culture of speakers. Cuss the concept within each
language, but different verbal expressions (Indrawati, 2005:29). The statement
in line with the opinion of Wilson (2005), which states that there is in fact any language in every culture in the world has a four-letter words are typical. In fact, the dialects of the same language may also have the expression of different insults.
B. What Teenagers Use This Words
Cuss the subject examined in this study address both forms, categories, and other insults, and the reasons for the use of invective by male respondents and female respondents.
A. Aspects of Classification Form Abuse Words
Forms of invective that followed in this study refers to the form proposed by Wijana invective and Rohmadi (2007:115-130). In that context, Wijana and Rohmadi (2007:115-130) states that the curse can be grouped based on formal aspects and references. Cuss formally divided into three types, namely (a) cuss word form, (b) invective shaped phrases (groups of words), and (c) invective shaped clause. However, in this study did not use formal terms, but the term form. In that context, the form is defined (1) appearance or likeness of a language unit, (2) the appearance or likeness of grammatical or lexical units badged fonis or graphemic (Kridalaksana, 2008:32). Thus, the term form in this study refers to the unit of grammatical form. Form refers cuss cuss word tangible, intangible cuss phrases, and clauses tangible invective. Forms of invective by reference as mentioned Wijana and Rohmadi (2007:115 - 130) above are not used in this study. Thus, grouping form invective only connected with realization of grammatical units such as words, phrases, and clauses, while the reference is not associated with the form, but the field is the source of meaning or insults.
B. Aspect Category of Abuse Words
Category in this study refers to the class of words. With regard to word class, Kridalaksana (2008:116) stated that the word class is a class of words that share the same formal behavior. According Wijana and Rohmadi (2007:117-118), is categorical, insults can be classified into several types, namely (1) insults the category of nouns or noun phrases, such as goat, tai, eyes, evil, bitch, etc., (2 ) invective category verbs (stative verbs in particular), such as death, (3) Uncategorized invective interjection, like Jove, (4) Uncategorized invective adjective, like an idiot, stupid, crazy, and so on. Based on these statements, the category in this study refers to the word class noun (N), noun phrases (FN), verb (V), adjective (A), and the phrase adjektival (FA).c. Aspek Sumber Makian
The theory used to perform source classification invective in this study synthesized from the opinions expressed by Rothwell (1973:108), Trudgill (1983); Wardhaugh (1986:230), Hughes (1991:208); Battaglia et al. (2009). Based on a synthesis of the opinions of experts in the above, the source of curses can be classified into the following: (a) insults associated with impurities, (b) invective associated with sex, (c) invective associated with animals, (d) curse connected with religion, (e) insults associated with mental retardation / stupidity, (f) related insults cowardly act, (g) related insults ghosts / supernatural, (h) insults associated with death, (i) insults associated with sexual activity. Invective that can not be classified according to the classification created a new classification.
C. Aspects of Reason Use Abuse Words
To perform classification cussing reasons, researchers refer Rassin opinion and Heijden (2005); Bolton and Hutton (1997:331-332); Jay and Janschewitz (2008); Crystal (2003:173). Cussing reasons that synthesized from the opinions of experts include: (a) attention seeking, (b) discredit, (c) incites, (d) identify / establish his identity groups, (e) friendship, (f) upset, (g) remorse, (h) insult, (i) hurt, (j) is disturbed, and (k) angry. Another reason that cannot be classified according to the classification of the reasons given are experts created a new classification.
The use of cuss word 'fuck' is most often used in the production of American films. From the research observer of the film, the use of the word first appeared in the films Ulysses and I'll Never Forget What's Is Name in 1967. After 1978, the use of the word 'fuck' more often. Record for the most in the use of the word is held by the title of the film using the same word-Fuck-in 2005. Duration of 93 minutes in the movie, the dirty words spoken 824 times as much.
The word 'fuck' was in fact has a long history. Estimated that the use of this word with the meaning of sexual intercourse, first found in the book 'Flen Flyys' written in 1475. But there is another finding of the beginning of the use of the word 'fuck'. In ancient times in the British Empire, the population should not have sexual intercourse without consent to the kingdom. After that the kingdom would sign / card to hang on the door of the couple who ask permission to have sex. The sign reads 'Fornication Under Consent of the King', abbreviated to FUCK meaning 'intimate relationships has received permission from the king'. Since then the word 'fuck' means sexual intercourse.
In Indonesia, in several films and soap operas there is dialogue that contain words considered rude and obscene. Unfortunately, there has been no serious research on the use of swear words in movies and soap operas Indonesia.one example of the movie's most tidaka Bidadari Jakarta there 5 times saying the word "NGEN ***"
The use of harsh words to curse or mengumpatsering found in movies or soap operas Indonesia like: asshole, stupid, goblog, stupid, pig, monkey, curut, shit. Similarly, the swear words like: prostitutes, sundel, basic slut, old fart, short nose.
There are three opinions that developed in the community to see the phenomenon of the use of swear words in movies and soap operas. The first opinion, the use of cuss words that were common in the community to shed the frustration, annoyance or anger. The second opinion found such words it does not deserve to be aired and heard by the audience movies or soap operas. The third opinion states if the language is good and true, the movie or soap opera will not be sold, because the presence of such words that will attract an audience, especially for teenagers.
According to Big Indonesian Dictionary, the word 'maki' means the words or speech scurrilous (dirty, rough, etc.) as an outlet for anger or resentment. There are some other words that correspond to the word 'shit', namely: scolding, insults, sprays, profanity, slander. In English, 'shit' as 'swear word'.
Swear words are basically beautiful spoken by people who are not angry, even using swear words in a state of angry ones, the reciter will be regarded as unethical, do not know the customs and manners do not know.
From the results of the study investigators and Rohmadi Wijana language (2007), it is known that the source of cuss words can be classified in several models. First, a word derived from keadaan.Misalnya invective stems from a person's mental state, such as: crazy, stupid, stupid. Also state the events would not meyenangkan, for example: damn, MODAR. Also state express shock, surprise, or admiration, for example: asshole, crazy, wretched.
The second category, cuss word derived from certain animals, for example: monkey, dog, pig, bitch. Third category, cuss word that comes from the delicate creatures, such as: devil, devil. Group fourth, the cuss word from the name of a particular object that connotes slob, for example: shit, shit, tokai. Group five, cuss word that comes from the body, for example: your eyes, your mind, my ass. Group sixth cuss word derived from kinship, for example: an illegitimate child, ancestor. Group seven, cuss word that comes from human activities, such as: NGEN ***, ** nge. Group Eight, cuss word that comes out of one's profession, for example: slut, bitch, whore.
Now adays there is a trend increasing use of cuss words. Not uncommon in the household, roads, stadiums, airports, markets, school, court, courtroom even government lightly uttered cuss someone for various reasons.
From the research Intan Pusparini Siswoyo (student of Indonesian Language and Literature Department of the Faculty of Humanities University Imu Dipenogoro), use of swear words is not just limited to when a person is angry. As many as 90% of respondents said that the curse is also used when the situation relaxed and intimate. There is a curse to express admiration, amazement, and even pitched praise. Seeing this phenomenon, it would be a cuss word vernacular and slid out of the mouth of anyone, anywhere, and anytime, without knowing the context in which it was conceived the original meaning. It's alarming.
Have you ever cursing and insulting someone, either behind his back or in front of his nose? No matter how pious and gentle you are, I'm sure once you've done it, at least say it in the heart. Invective and calumny was present in all the languages of the world. In the Western world in general swearwords (curse words) is beraromakan sex, such as fuck, shit, asshole, and so on. In our language, even if there is also a sexist invective, but quite dominant marked by calumny that use animal names. Animals that become casualties of the target of wrath we certainly do not know his name already dicatut, but that is ridiculous sometimes hurl insults us also do not understand what animal name that came from our mouths.
Take the example of the word in a sentence serapahan cecunguk 'We just brush cecunguk mischief-cecunguk that our village'. You know the meaning of 'cecunguk'? Yes, cecunguk is a disgusting beast also called roaches, cockroaches, cockroach or roach. The last word is derived from the Dutch word kakkerlak which is also used as an expression of Dutch invective. Or phrase harassing this one: kroco, for example, in the sentence 'We do not have to wait on talk-kroco kroco it'. Kroco as a metaphor usually means 'people who are not important or does not need to be taken into account'. Kroco derived from the Javanese language means 'little snail'. In Latin terminology he named Bellamia javanica and size of your thumb. Small animals, also called 'Tutut' is apparently edible and is said to have a high protein content.
Swear word with the name of an animal which is quite 'popular' is a pinhead. Maybe because in the shrimp heads that have a transparent shell may look like there are heaps of dung, the rap is used for condemning people who we think are stupid and foolish. In the words of the Dutch language there is also hersens van een garnaal hersen hebben which means 'brain' and garnaal means 'shrimp'. Meanwhile, if we are being subjected udelnya as good of a person, for example, cut off our cars on the road, it will spontaneously ejected shucks or kunyuk said. Shucks that have Latin names of animals Microchiroptera actually not a jerk. But this beast has the look of a super ugly. Similarly kunyuk scientific name Presbytis comata is little monkey face with no less horror shucks. So this is the fate of animals endowed with the ugly face, so a man swear word is not necessarily better-looking face.
Possible cuss word on sale is the best selling dog. In the English language there is any aspersion bitch (female dog literal meaning). If cursed with 'dog' people always do not forget to add ajektivanya, for example: dog mange, dog mange, ringworm dog, mongrel. Did you know that the terms of skin diseases above, actually there is a difference from one another. Ringworm caused by a fungus, a type of mange caused by Sarcoptes scabiei mites that live under the skin, ringworm is also caused by a fungus called ringworm and buduk used to mention leprosy.
In response to the news of corruption in our country, we often use the term small fish and snapper. Anchovy in English called anchovies. A very tasty fried fish is indeed a favorite food in many Asian countries. Also still in the realm of politics there is a saying pembeo. This term would be collected from kata'beo 'which is a kind of bird that loves to imitate our speech. In English this is called a black feathered bird myna and has a unique scientific name is Gracula religiosa. And one more political terms, namely: subsistence party. What could this petty? He was an ordinary mole infestation in your body that are hatching chicken eggs.
And finally, it may be interesting to know at a glance about the expression of retreat-retreat. This figure we can layangkan to people who behave fickle and always circling not provide certainty. You may know and never see the retreat-retreat, but probably not many people know that the retreat-retreat is actually the larva of the dragonfly pin. So after going through the process of metamorphosis, retreat-retreat it will change into a small dragonfly. In English he is called Antlion (the literal meaning of the ant lion), but on stage as larvae (withdraw-retreat) he is called by the name doodlebug.
In accordance with the headline above I have a suggestion. What if while cursing the name of the beast, in our hearts asking for permission to animals that we nistai and revile his name. At least we reduce sin has cursed man with a tongue that is spineless.
In every language there are swear words, this words that people use when angry or if you want to insult others. Indonesian language that is derived from the Malay language but was originally taught by the school, not many carry cuss words as they are used in the Malay community. Therefore, if you are angry or want to insult other people, Indonesia is often used cuss word that comes from the mother that may not exist in the vocabulary of the Malay language, such as Java man cursed with a "fuck you", the Sundanese with "Bebel". Both in the original language, including words spoken
According to experts, the words used to swear in different languages derived from the words contained in the six groups, namely:
1. Relating to religion or belief,
2. Relating to gender,
3. Related to the names of body parts,
4. Related to the functions of the body,
5. The words that are synonymous with the word "stupid",
6. The names of the animals.
Certainly not in every language the word balance comes from the six groups was the same. In a language there may be a word makiannya more than the first group and the third group, while the fourth group and the second less. Meanwhile, in another language may be of the first class there is no or hardly any.
The words of the devil!, Satan!, Gentiles!, Blasted!, Bastard!, Anathema!, And the like including first class. Such words are used in the Indonesian language for swearing. In other languages as well as words such as are used for swearing, for example, God damn in English and in Dutch verdomd God. Both said the examples used by the Javanese and Sundanese are examples of the second class, which apparently has been no example in the Indonesian language. In English, the words of these people pretty much will easily be found in novels or American English. Lu ass cuss word! Perhaps the only example in the Indonesian language, is a third category. The fourth group also seems there is no example in the Indonesian language. The fifth type is a bit much for example, stupid, stupid, stupid, and a pinhead. Example last group is the name of the animal, are also widely used, dogs, pigs, monkeys, donkeys, and more.
The words in the language is a swear word, not necessarily used as a swear word in another language. Words such as dogs and pigs are in Indonesian and other regional languages considered a swear word in the English language was never used as a swear word. In the Japanese language cuss words from the first class is almost non-existent. It is related to the fact that the Japanese have their own assumptions about religion or religious attention to little. Religion they profess both Buddhism and Shinto, commonly called religion culture not religion or religious revelation sky like Islam and Christianity. The Japanese do not believe in the meaning of "sin". Their culture is more focused on the perceived "shame". Rather than shame they think is better to commit suicide. Hence, they are called to live by culture of shame.
Thus, the apparent curse words in every language necessary in accordance with the culture and beliefs of the nation who use that language. Usually also be taken as an insult or a curse by the same people both live in a culture and belief that too. For example, the Javanese Muslim anger toward people of other races and scolded his own religion embraced by using the word "Gentile lu", probably will not make the abused it felt insulted. Cuss word "Gentile lu! That would make humiliated or angry if addressed to fellow Muslims.
Therefore, especially cuss word will only make people angry or feel insulted insulted if addressed to those who both live in a culture and environment of the same beliefs.
Swear words dissipated when people are angry or having an argument, that is certainly going to make mad or want to insult his opponent. Such words are rarely or never found in language textbooks, but it is usually easy to find when we live in a society in which people are fighting. Children are usually honored specifically prevented from hearing such words. Therefore, children learn directly from the public - unless parents artisan fight.
C. Kind of Abuse Words
1. Slug Abuse
A word that can be used to mean anything in any context so long as it carries a slight negative connotation. Note the hilarity is not derived from the actual meaning of the words, but rather the cumbersome nature of the phrase.
*Noun* Guy: Dude, she is so fat Guy2: Hahaha yeah, what a slug abuse!
*Adjective* Guy: Man, I'm not really feeling this jacket, it's kinda... Guy2: Yeah, it's pretty slug abuse Guy: Yeah, slug abuse
2. Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse is any kind of abuse that is emotional rather than physical in nature. It can include anything from verbal abuse and constant criticism to more subtle tactics, such as intimidation, manipulation, and refusal to ever be pleased. Mostly use by insecure people who feel the need to undermine people's feelings to the point where it is absolutely unbearable and action must be taken.
Emotional abuse is not a joke. People say its not abuse because there's not physical harm being done, but that is not true at all. In case you might of not known before, words do in fact hurt, and they leave marks inside our brains as well.
Emotional abuse can drag someone to the ends of insanity. It can cause grief, loneliness, even suicide.
If someone tells you they are being emotionally abuse, please take action if your an adult or tell an adult if you are a kid. This is not to be taken lightly. A few words can go a long, painful way.
I, myself, is currently going through emotional abuse from my father. At times I feel of even killing myself, but my friends are always there to pick me up. When my father tells me he hates me every day, all I can do is sit and cry.
3. Letter Abuse
When someone adds unnecessary letters to words. Letter Abuse is most commonly found on Facebook status updates of teenage girls. LetterAbuse serves no purpose other than to irritate anyone with at least a 5th grade education.
The following is an example of common Letter Abuse found on Facebook/Texting:
Heyyyy im so excitedddd about homecomingggg! Going to the gameeeeee Lets eat at Subwayyy laterrrrrrrr spellingggg thiss wayyy makess meee lookk stupiddddd
4. Long Time
Longtime, a word used for many purpasus. Originaly stolen from the movie . Original line was "Me so horney i love you long time." Longtime has undergorn a radical change. it now can be used in place of manywords.
"Cya luke". "Longtime"
"What's going on longtime"
"how long are you going to be doing that job?" "Longtime"
5. Bullying
'Nuff said
The simple fact is, ladies and gentleman, bullying is abuse, no matter how much you deny it.
I can stand here... well, sit here, all day and say that murder is not permentant - it doesn't make it true.
The only reason bullying is not called abuse is because adults are too damn chicken to call a spade a spade.
6. Venomate
1. (venomate)Poisonous words that spew from the mouths of truly toxic individuals.
2. to create an environment of dread, anxiety, ill will and fear to targeted person or persons
As he continued to venomate in his rage, his words became even more poisonous.
D. The Benefits of Abuse Words
Once upon a time there was a friend who was issued a swear word or a detraction to another friend. Arise also thought why the hell do people need to curse and how the formation of swear words in every culture. Curiosity brought me to goggling to find four-letter words that are commonly used in the community.
My initial conclusion is that the most in nearly every society and country, a common theme related to the choice of words used as a curse word. Usually these words connote the things that are bad or taboo.
In addition to the form of words (verbal), it could be in the form of non-verbal such as by showing the middle finger or middle finger slipped between the thumb and forefinger. Both are equally connotes sexual activity. Middle finger connotes "Fuck you" applies only in western countries only. If you show your middle finger to the people of Madura, they will not be angry.
I would describe invective used in some communities.
Madura. There are some insult or swear words used by the Madura, such as Patek boar which means Black Dog. It's meant to insult people who are insulted by equating it with the black dog. There was also word that means pubic Pokehlembukna mother. This is the highest cuss word that I know of in Madura. There is another related impurities Taeh which means feces.
Surabaya. City of heroes has a typical invective that Jancok. The word is derived from the word meaning ngancuk ancuk or sexual intercourse. But in course of time, there is a word that is intended to further derivatives soften the appearance of the word cuss word Jamput. Says even this is still undergoing a process of refinement in order to disguise the 'pisuan' (curse) that is using the word insect cricket. Surabaya is a unique person, just in Surabaya alone one could swear to mention insects. However, the process of refining their own words jancok not stop cricket alone, comes the word which incidentally is the name of Guava fruit. Similarly, the word is also used crest by children while berating his friend with "Eh crested arek Today." But of course the mention of the word would not be shit if it is not pronounced with a firm tone and the conversation appropriate context. In Javanese society, the addition of the letter 'u' letter at the beginning of a syllable at the beginning serves as hyperbole, as much a 'juauh' to say much, 'juancuuuk' for the word Jancuk and 'cuilik' for little or small words. Funny thing is, if you translate the word cricket grasshopper, turns indigo 'taste' makiannya be lost! Try it you shouting in Surabaya "grasshopper ... grasshopper ..." surely you only thought was to learn English only. After I noticed the word jancok, jamput, crickets and guava, they have similarities in early word is 'ja'. This is the main reason why the crickets and cashew selected as a cuss word derived from jancok. Unique is not it? There is also a general insults like 'mattammu picek' (blind eye) with pronunciation emphasis on the 't'. Words eyes can also be combined with the word 'picek' (blind). While others 'entut' (fart) and 'taek' (dirt) that I think the same is also used by most people. Oh yes, the first in Surabaya era of the 90's, there was a group of campus-based band, named "Do Asem" has a pretty phenomenal song. They invited the audience to swear in conjunction with the phrase "Come mesoh, Jancok".
Jakarta. Betawi people prefer to use the organs of the body as a cuss word like 'kepalelu peyang' (oval head), 'matemu' (eyes), and 'bolot / deaf' (deaf). While other standard cuss words like 'tai' (dirt), 'dog', 'pig', 'monkey', 'mad', 'nervous' and' jerk, 'shit', epes me'er, 'ngehe', 'mak dirodok', 'mak dikipe', 'mak dingehe' and son of a gun which is not far away from other areas.
Makassar. There used to be my friend boarders who use the word 'tai lasso', 'tai memes', kabbulamma, 'telama' for swearing. It turns out that a yes is not far away from the organs and sexual activity as well. while others are similar to the general population sepeperti word 'tebaro' (dirt), anassundala '(son bitch). Padang. Pantek which means female genitalia.
D. Abuse Words Example
If you know the Spanish people, you will be able to observe that they tend to use palabrotas (expletive) openly in everyday conversation. Words like 'Cono' (vagina) does not contain very vulgar connotations and so commonly used by most people in Spain. In comparison, Latin Americans tend to be more gentle in words.
Here are 10 words used by the Spaniards as swearing, cursing or swearing.
1. Joder! (HHO-Derr)
It literally can be translated as 'fuck', but more often used than the English version. For example: You forgot to bring a cell phone, Joder! They are not your favorite TV show again, Joder! Damn, I had to get up early tomorrow, Joder! This word seems to be part of everyday life that are packed in a variety of styles.
2. Mierda! (Mi-err-da)
It means 'shit.' Even so, said this is the most minor detraction calumny-detraction than others. This word can be combined with many words to give a better impact, such as Come, mierda!
3. Gilipollas (HHI-li-PO-Yas)
Gilipollas word is used as a sharp retort. When someone is teasing you, you would call Gilipollas. Etymologically, gilipollas derived from the word 'dyke' which means the boys.
4. Qué Cabron! (Cabron kehh)
The word 'cabrón' basic on a large goat horned giants. As said by the parents, if a man cheated on his wife, then he will be called is a cabron. Everyone then started using the 'Que Cabron!' (Real bastard!) To curse others. It was quite light enough invective that is only used as a sarcastic comment, not a real curse.
5. Los cojones! (Co-los-Nehs HHO)
The Spanish known as 'machotes' (macho men who are proud to be "ball" them), toros (bulls) and corridas (bull). To demonstrate masculinity, they added the word 'cojones' (literally meaning testicals) in a variety of sentences. In English, the word refers more cojones bullshit.
6. Me cago en todo lo que se menea!
Me cago en ... 'is a curse that is very commonly used and can be combined with any word, like' Me cago en Dios' (.. for the sake of God) or 'Me cago en tus Muertos' (.. for the brother who has died) .
7. Pario La madre que te!
It literally means, "Mother who bore!" Or, in English has the same meaning as "motherfucker!" Usually used as part of a sentence such as: "Me cago en la madre que te pario" (Damn, for mothers bore!). The effect of these words is equivalent to a bomb blast!
8. Hijo de puta (yi-HHO-deh-PU-tah)
When translated into English means "Son of a bitch!" However, the word is mostly used to mock somebody, as snide comment or envy.
9. Tonto del culo
Slightly lighter than all the cuss-cuss before. If translated into English means "an idiot of the ass." Used to indicate resentment toward someone who is considered stupid or silly. This word can be used in a shared opportunity.
10. Puta madre (poo-tah madre)
English version means "mother fucking" and it can be used negatively [condemned] or positive. Usually used to describe how well a [good] things. For example: "Esta de puta madre esta fiesta!" (This is a fuckin 'good party!). "Puta madre! 'Is often used to express great satisfaction, for example," Barcelona wins! de puta madre! "
For those of you who want to curse someone but you are afraid of abuse beaten, it helps you swore not to use Indonesian, but a foreign language. nor English but Korean language. cursed with a foreign language in addition to safe and affordable will also look cool, because you seem wider and ideology insightful 1001 languages in the world.
Here's my share-letter words in danger of complete korean alphabet and how to read and how to give a sense of the word.
Korean Abuse
survived the curse
위선자 (Wiseonja): Hypocrisy
인마 (Imma): Damn
바보 (Babo): Stupid / Idiot
자식 (Jasik): Children shit / illegitimate child
미친년 (Michin Nyeon): bitch crazy
미개인 (Migaein): The barbarian
양긔 (Yangkee): Prostitute
시팔 (Sipal): F * ck You
채기 랄 (Chaegiral): Blimey
나쁜 (Nappeun): Nasty / Bad / Low
개새끼 (Gaesaekki): Basic animal / Hell you / Fuck
도 럽다 (Doreopta): Gross
For Babo says so different meaning when in use when talking to people close to us, for example, if more alike girlfriend, kept calling him "baboya" said the call had become dear. Another example in the lyrics of the song After Love Park Hyo Shin her, "Baboya, eodini, angamyeon andwaeni?" That could diartiin be "dear (stupid), where are you, cannot if you do not go?"
Japan Abuse
Kutabare means Fak U
baka, bakaero, bagero, bakayaro, AHO, oroka = stupid
kusso = shit (the real meaning 'dung')
teme = you, but rude meaning you ready gelut
China Abuse
Wang Ba Dan (literally meaning king eight eggs, but more or less the same level as a swear word bastard), Hun Dan (son of a bitch, bastard), fang pi (fart), Hun Zhang (can be sassy, be a bitch. Lot in the movie kung fu).
telembug .... PSK (Banyumasan)
gaber ..... (balls; Banyumas)
outrigger .... (dick head; Banyumas)
CU de ferro!!!! (a.s.s (made) of iron)
mashed initials jd wrote:
C.D.F. (a-de-effe)
example: voce CDF! (youre a CDF)
Swedish Abuse
Skit = shit
Jävlar = brock
Fy fan = damn
French Abuse
Chien = dog
Au Diable = asshole
Crapule = brock
Putain = bitch
Cochon = pig
Campagnard = hometown guy
Petit tête = superficial brain
E. How To Fix Abuse Words
Many cuss words we encounter in our lives-and often we say, without realizing that the cuss word is to give effect to our lives, and the effect is greatest negative impact. Abusive Words is a form of expression that insult others by using words that are not obscene, such scorn, calumny, contempt, and others. Harsh language can be classified as verbal violence because the expression used to hurt people's feelings other.
There are many ways that we can do to reduce or even spend a cuss word usage in the society especially in the middle of a special teen promiscuity. One example is the parents should be able to supervise or limit the child socially, let alone a fastyoung people affected by the words of others and emotional condition is still unstable, so quickly provoked to anger against others, because if the association of a good young man he would also be good while if the child is socially bad she would alsobe bad, but parents should also not be too curb promiscuity of her, because if it is too restrained in her social in the end if he is brought to the association that has not been felt before he will be deeply felt stiff and strange .
Another way is always to bring young minds to think in a positive way, because if someone is always positive thinking surely he would only think that okay, because as described in chapter 1, is an expression of anger cuss word from someone whostarted from her mind always negative or prejudiced against others so that if a young child had been brought to the association that bad especially positive he never thought this would surely swear word quickly spoken or unspokenspontaneously.
A. Conclusion
In our daily live, everyone certainly never have a experience or incident is never want, never expected, or never guess. When that thing was happen, appear many different reaction to the man who experience it, for the example is disappointed feel, annoyed, fed up, look blank, angry, and other. On those context, every person cannot handle she/he emotion, when they confront a fact like that sometime they produce spontaneity words and respectfulless and rugged as shape of fury. This words that’s called Abuse Words.
Abuse words usually use at angry situation. If someone while angry, they mind functionless so she/he will use the expressions or rugged words. In situation like that, expressions or abuse words manner use for release and feeling. The incident like that begot a deviation meaning because the mean of a word applying at reconciliation is not appropriate with actually meaning of words.
Abuse can we find in various language which is concrete or many manner. Some language have a resemblance with certain language and very different from other language. Concerned with existence of abuse as a part of khazanah language, Montagu pronounce that the age of language is same like the age of human. In this context, human is already are in this world two billion year ago or more. And approximately language is already have in the same year. Rubber specialist of philology explain the source of language is expression which is tight related with abuse. Such with, abuse words is already have since language which is using by human is are. This pronouncement same like Leigh opinion his opinion is “it a fair guess that swearing has been around as long as human speech” (a right notion being saying that abuse age same like human language).
Using abuse in a measure form abusing is a one hardness form or can be mention as mesure verbal aggression. In those context, Infante and Wigley clarifying that measure of abusing doing by someone to other side or some group to other group. Verbal aggression meaning as a brunt to self concept of someone or their opinion to deranged other people according from psychology. Expression of not proper and the insult words or contemptuously words causing damaging himself concept in a long time, and verbal aggression can become a reason which is can direct at physic aggression.
Cuss the subject examined in this study address both forms, categories, and other insults, and the reasons for the use of invective by male respondents and female respondents.
A. Aspects of Classification Form Abuse Words
Forms of invective that followed in this study refers to the form proposed by Wijana invective and Rohmadi (2007:115-130). In that context, Wijana and Rohmadi (2007:115-130) states that the curse can be grouped based on formal aspects and references. Cuss formally divided into three types, namely (a) cuss word form, (b) invective shaped phrases (groups of words), and (c) invective shaped clause.
B. Aspect Category of Abuse Words
Category in this study refers to the class of words. With regard to word class, Kridalaksana (2008:116) stated that the word class is a class of words that share the same formal behavior. According Wijana and Rohmadi (2007:117-118), is categorical, insults can be classified into several types, namely (1) insults the category of nouns or noun phrases, such as goat, tai, eyes, evil, bitch, etc., (2 ) invective category verbs (stative verbs in particular), such as death, (3) Uncategorized invective interjection, like Jove, (4) Uncategorized invective adjective, like an idiot, stupid, crazy, and so on.
The theory used to perform source classification invective in this study synthesized from the opinions expressed by Rothwell (1973:108), Trudgill (1983); Wardhaugh (1986:230), Hughes (1991:208); Battaglia et al. (2009). Based on a synthesis of the opinions of experts in the above, the source of curses can be classified into the following: (a) insults associated with impurities, (b) invective associated with sex, (c) invective associated with animals, (d) curse connected with religion, (e) insults associated with mental retardation / stupidity, (f) related insults cowardly act, (g) related insults ghosts / supernatural, (h) insults associated with death, (i) insults associated with sexual activity. Invective that can not be classified according to the classification created a new classification.
C. Aspects of Reason Use Abuse Words
To perform classification cussing reasons, researchers refer Rassin opinion and Heijden (2005); Bolton and Hutton (1997:331-332); Jay and Janschewitz (2008); Crystal (2003:173). Cussing reasons that synthesized from the opinions of experts include: (a) attention seeking, (b) discredit, (c) incites, (d) identify / establish his identity groups, (e) friendship, (f) upset, (g) remorse, (h) insult, (i) hurt, (j) is disturbed, and (k) angry.
Thus, the apparent curse words in every language necessary in accordance with the culture and beliefs of the nation who use that language. Usually also be taken as an insult or a curse by the same people both live in a culture and belief that too. For example, the Javanese Muslim anger toward people of other races and scolded his own religion embraced by using the word "you gentile", probably will not make the dimakinya it felt insulted. Cuss word "Gentile lu! That would make humiliated or angry if addressed to fellow Muslims.
Therefore, especially cuss word will only make people angry or feel insulted insulted if addressed to those who both live in a culture and environment of the same beliefs.
Swear words dissipated when people are angry or having an argument, that is certainly going to make mad or want to insult his opponent. Such words are rarely or never found in language textbooks, but it is usually easy to find when we live in a society in which people are fighting. Children are usually honored specifically prevented from hearing such words. Therefore, children learn directly from the public - unless parents artisan fight.
B. Suggestion
· Always think positive about all things and avoid the negative association
· For teenagers don’t you use this words because it’s very bad for us and our Future
· Be a patient man
· Make no mistake associate
· Appreciate all the orders from parents
· Do not be quick to anger, because if we are angry it also can provoke anger others
· Do not push yourself wills